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In this paper, we develop new methods for analyzing high-dimensional tensor datasets. A tensor factor model describes a high-dimensional dataset as a sum of a low-rank component and an idiosyncratic noise, generalizing traditional factor models for panel data. We propose an estimation algorithm, called tensor principal component analysis (PCA), which generalizes the traditional PCA applicable to panel data. The algorithm involves unfolding the tensor into a sequence of matrices along different dimensions and applying PCA to the unfolded matrices. We provide theoretical results on the consistency and asymptotic distribution for tensor PCA estimator of loadings and factors. The algorithm demonstrates good performance in Mote Carlo experiments and is applied to sorted portfolios.
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Using massive datasets to train large-scale models has emerged as a dominant approach for broad generalization in natural language and vision applications. In reinforcement learning, however, a key challenge is that available data of sequential decision making is often not annotated with actions - for example, videos of game-play are much more available than sequences of frames paired with their logged game controls. We propose to circumvent this challenge by combining large but sparsely-annotated datasets from a \emph{target} environment of interest with fully-annotated datasets from various other \emph{source} environments. Our method, Action Limited PreTraining (ALPT), leverages the generalization capabilities of inverse dynamics modelling (IDM) to label missing action data in the target environment. We show that utilizing even one additional environment dataset of labelled data during IDM pretraining gives rise to substantial improvements in generating action labels for unannotated sequences. We evaluate our method on benchmark game-playing environments and show that we can significantly improve game performance and generalization capability compared to other approaches, using annotated datasets equivalent to only $12$ minutes of gameplay. Highlighting the power of IDM, we show that these benefits remain even when target and source environments share no common actions.
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Humans are excellent at understanding language and vision to accomplish a wide range of tasks. In contrast, creating general instruction-following embodied agents remains a difficult challenge. Prior work that uses pure language-only models lack visual grounding, making it difficult to connect language instructions with visual observations. On the other hand, methods that use pre-trained vision-language models typically come with divided language and visual representations, requiring designing specialized network architecture to fuse them together. We propose a simple yet effective model for robots to solve instruction-following tasks in vision-based environments. Our \ours method consists of a multimodal transformer that encodes visual observations and language instructions, and a policy transformer that predicts actions based on encoded representations. The multimodal transformer is pre-trained on millions of image-text pairs and natural language text, thereby producing generic cross-modal representations of observations and instructions. The policy transformer keeps track of the full history of observations and actions, and predicts actions autoregressively. We show that this unified transformer model outperforms all state-of-the-art pre-trained or trained-from-scratch methods in both single-task and multi-task settings. Our model also shows better model scalability and generalization ability than prior work.
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在时间差异增强学习算法中,价值估计的差异会导致最大目标值的不稳定性和高估。已经提出了许多算法来减少高估,包括最近的几种集合方法,但是,没有通过解决估计方差作为高估的根本原因来表现出样品效率学习的成功。在本文中,我们提出了一种简单的集合方法,将目标值估计为集合均值。尽管它很简单,但卑鄙的(还是在Atari学习环境基准测试的实验中显示出明显的样本效率)。重要的是,我们发现大小5的合奏充分降低了估计方差以消除滞后目标网络,从而消除了它作为偏见的来源并进一步获得样本效率。我们以直观和经验的方式为曲线的设计选择证明了合理性,包括独立经验抽样的必要性。在一组26个基准ATARI环境中,曲线均优于所有经过测试的基线,包括最佳的基线,日出,在16/26环境中的100K交互步骤,平均为68​​%。在21/26的环境中,曲线还优于500k步骤的Rainbow DQN,平均为49%,并使用200K($ \ pm $ 100k)的交互步骤实现平均人级绩效。我们的实施可从https://github.com/indylab/meanq获得。
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视频预测是一个重要但充满挑战的问题。负担着生成未来框架和学习环境动态的任务。最近,通过将视频预测分为两个子问题:预训练图像生成器模型,随后学习图像生成器的潜在空间中的自动回归预测模型,可以将视频预测分为两个子问题,从而成为强大的视频预测工具。 。但是,成功产生高保真性和高分辨率视频尚待观察。在这项工作中,我们研究了如何培训自回归潜在的潜在视频预测模型,能够预测高保真的未来帧,并对现有模型进行最小的修改,并产生高分辨率(256x256)视频。具体而言,我们通过使用因果变压器模型采用高保真图像发生器(VQ-GAN)来扩展先前的模型,并引入TOP-K采样和数据增强的其他技术,以进一步提高视频预测质量。尽管简单起见,但提出的方法仍可以在标准视频预测基准的最新方法中实现竞争性能,而参数较少,并在复杂和大规模数据集上实现了高分辨率的视频预测。视频可从https://sites.google.com/view/harp-videos/home获得。
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自回归生成模型可以估计复杂的连续数据分布,例如在RL环境,图像强度和音频中的轨迹推出。大多数最先进的模型将连续数据离散为几个箱,并在箱上使用分类分布来近似连续数据分布。优点是,分类分布可以轻松地表达多种模式,并且可以简单地进行优化。但是,如果没有明显的垃圾箱,这种近似就无法表达密度的急剧变化,从而使其参数效率低下。我们提出了一种称为自适应分类离散化(ADACAT)的有效,表现力的多模式参数化。 AdaCat自适应地自适应地自动回归模型的每个维度,这使该模型能够分配密度为感兴趣的细胞间隔,从而提高了参数效率。 Adacat概括了分类和基于分位数的回归。 ADACAT是任何基于离散化的分布估计器的简单附加组件。在实验中,Adacat改善了现实世界表数据,图像,音频和轨迹的密度估计,并改善了基于模型的离线RL计划。
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